Monday, March 19, 2018


The first scene that I thumb nailed was the bar scene where Sham drunkenly tells the upsky salver about the stuff he found in the wreck. I know that it's not important to the book, but I thought that it'd be nice to have an interior shot in my portfolio, and it might be nice to have a quieter close up shot in my keyframe portfolio. 

This was my first try

I pulled the camera in and down. I think this one is more interesting

Then I tried a head on shot from behind the bar

I pulled the camera dawn again for more drama. I think I like this one more too.

For the next set, I thought it might be nice to do a sceene with the giant mole chasing the train. I don't think the actually happened in the book, but i think it will read better than the train chasing the mole in a portfolio. I chose this shot, because it will be a dramatic shot with relatively few elements that I need to design. So, I hope that It can be finished quickly.

Ingredients list:
-Big ass mole monster
-Silhouetted character
-Low camera angle
First try

Second Try, Lowered the camera angle even more, and canted the horizon, also pulled more reference.

So, during the second try for the mole chase I found a bunch of good reference from snow piercer and it made me question: "what am I even doing?" I'm just finding better shot compositions than I can come up with, stealing them tweaking them and adding a mole. AD's will see right through this. why would they hire me? These are already so great, and I don't think that I can add anything to them.

Friday, September 29, 2017

Dero Shroake

Here's a character sheet for Dero Shroake, Caldera's Brother. I made him young and a little morose. His parents died recently after all. Dero wears his dads sweater every day as a grief coping mechanism.

I'm trying to show how his sweater sleeve work with is hands

Finished Color Script

Monday, June 26, 2017

More Sham Designs

Ok. So the first thing I did was study some expression sheets that had that a good sense of volume. I painted them with value to force myself to think about volume and to get quicker by using a time limit for each bust. (You mentioned earlier that I am definitely not fast, and that has really stuck with me. I'm trying to force myself to produce more efficiently.) 

I also got a copy if blender and Maya, but it is going to take a long time to get good enough with those to model busts. So I bought some sculpy and made primitive busts.

Then, I've fixed some errors with my previous design and drew more 3/4 expressions.

More action poses

And Lastly, here are a few more sham designs that I was playing around with.